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USC UNRUH Institute of Politics Held an Update Breakfast on Campus. California Consulting was represented by Araz Parseghian at the event.

This morning the USC Unruh Institute of Politics held an update breakfast on campus for special invited guests. California Consulting CEO Steve Samuelian and So. Cal. Gas Company Public Affairs Manager Susan Sifuentes-

California Consulting CEO Steve Samuelian and So. Cal. Gas Company Public Affairs Manager Susan Sifuentes-Trigueros are the Co-Chairs of the USC Unruh Ambassadors Program, a group of 35 Southern California leaders from business, labor, former elected officials, and others.

The guest speaker at the breakfast was Unruh Director Bob Schrum.   L.A. area businessman Araz Parseghian represented Steve Samuelian at the breakfast.   Pictured here are USC Unruh Ambassador Carlos

The guest speaker at the breakfast was Unruh Director Bob Schrum.   L.A. area businessman Araz Parseghian represented Steve Samuelian at the breakfast.   Pictured here are USC Unruh Ambassador Carlos Illingsworth of Coca-Cola, Araz Parseghian, USC Unruh Director Bob, Schrum and USC Unruh Ambassador Josh LaFarga a top leader in labor in Southern California. ‎The Unruh Institute does great work for USC students and the Southern California region.

Congratulations to USC Unruh for a successful breakfast!


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