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Julie St. Jean Joins California Consulting as New Project Manager

California Consulting is pleased to welcome Julie St. Jean as our newest Project Manager. She has worked in the housing and community development field for more than 20 years and has written HUD, CDFI and local funding applications for clients across the country.

In addition to writing grant applications, Julie also has served as a grant reviewer for CDFI FA, TA, NACA and NMTC programs; US Department of Health and Human Services; US Department of Labor; Econometrica; NeighborWorks America; Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Office of Community Services (OCS); and the Community Services Block Grant Program. She has also overseen the application design and scoring process for national housing counseling programs and conducted grantmaking with NeighborWorks America. As a reviewer and administrator for several programs, Julie is knowledgeable of scoring processes, program priorities and back-end analyses related to how funders determine grantee pools. She also helps clients measure impacts and determine strategic and growth goals to strengthen their applications.

Julie holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Communication from The George Washington University, and a Master’s degree in Political Science with a concentration in Quantitative Methods from the University of California at Riverside. She has held Public Policy and Public Relations positions with the AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust, Fannie Mae, NeighborWorks America and local elected officials.