California Consulting LLC is pleased to welcome the City of Rancho Cordova as our newest client. Some fun facts about Rancho Cordova are below:
- Rancho Cordova is located in Sacramento County, about 15 miles from the State Capital of Sacramento. Makes sense, right, that an official agency would be near our state capital.
- Rancho Cordova is a new city – incorporated only in 2003, but its history stretches back to the Gold Rush and the 49ers.
- It’s home to the Mathew Kilgore Cemetery, which was set up in 1874 and mapped / recorded in 1888.
The cemetery has more than three hundred twenty “residents.”
- With gambling now legal in certain communities in California, Rancho Cordova is home to the Cordova Casino at 2801 Prospect Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670. You can play EZ Baccarat, Three Card Poker, Pai Gow Poker, Texas Hold ‘Em and Omah Hi-Low Poker at this establishment.
- The population of Rancho Cordova is 68, 453 as of July 1, 2015.