California Department of Parks & Recreation: Habitat Conservation Fund (HCF)
Deadline: October 3, 2016
Amount: Varies. $2 Million allocated to entire program annually.
Match: Dollar-for-dollar from local, private, non-State sources
Eligibility: Cities, Counties, Special Districts (any regional park, open-space district, park & recreation districts)
The Office of Grants and Local Services (OGALS) administers the state-funded Habitat Conservation Fund grant program which provides funds to local entities to protect threatened species, to address wildlife corridors, to create trails, and to provide for nature interpretation programs which bring urban residents into park and wildlife areas. Eligible Projects include projects benefiting: Deer/Mountain Lion Habitat; Rare, Endangered, Threatened, or Fully-Protected Species Habitat; Wetlands; Riparian Habitat; Anadromous Salmonids and Trout Habitat; Trails; and Wildlife Area Activities.