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California Consulting Continues to Generate Grant Awards for Clients. California Consulting is pleased to announce over the last 90 days we have secured over $2.3 million dollars for our clients.

California Consulting Continues to Generate Grant Awards for Clients


California Consulting is pleased to announce over the last 90 days we have secured over $2.3 million dollars for our clients.

Building Community Advisory Services Related to Planning and Health City of Bell $25,000
California Natural Resources Agency

Urban Greening Project

City of Bakersfield $835,504
South Coast Air Quality Management District Coachella Valley Unified School District $251,000
Poway USD Teacher Residency Capacity Grant Poway Unified School District $50,000
CA Fresh School Meals Warner Unified School District $70,000
MSRC Local Government Allocation Grant City of Baldwin Park $49,030
AQMD/MSRC Clean City of Maywood $7,059
WaterSmart and Energy Efficiency City of Bakersfield $743,300
Baseball Tomorrow Grant City of Patterson $41,000
SUMS MTSS Initiative South Whittier School District $50,000
Monsanto America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education Central Union Elementary School District $25,000
MSRC – Natural Gas Infrastructure City of San Bernardino $240,000
Grand Total: $2,386,893


“This incredible achievement could not have been accomplished if it weren’t for our outstanding grant writing team. Across the board, our grant writing team is hitting home runs throughout California. We are exceptionally proud of our team.” stated, Shasta Bell, California Consulting’s Director of Communications.

Since opening in 2004, California Consulting has secured over $1.7 billion dollars for its clients through federal, state, nonprofit, and private foundation funding.