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California Consulting Senior Associate Maryann Marino, Orange City Councilman Fred Whitaker, Assemblyman Matthew Harper’s Chief of Staff Patti Garrett-Taylor, and California Consulting CEO Steve Samuelian at the Pacific Club in Newport Beach on March 23, 2017. The reception honored Orange County elected officials with awards. The awards winners/honorees- Special District Member of the year Doug Davert, School Board Member of the Year Jim Reardon, City Council Memberof the Year Tyle Diep, Orange County Elected Official of the Year Eric Woolery, Legislator of the Year Bill Brough, golden state leadership award Diane Harkey. Congratulations to all of the award winners!

California Consulting Senior Associate Maryann Marino, Orange City Councilman Fred Whitaker, Assemblyman Matthew Harper’s Chief of Staff Patti Garrett-Taylor, and California Consulting CEO Steve Samuelian at the Pacific Club in Newport Beach on March 23, 2017. The reception honored Orange County elected officials with awards. The awards winners/honorees- Special District Member of the year Doug Davert, School Board Member of the Year Jim Reardon, City Council Member of the Year Tyle Diep, Orange County Elected Official of the Year Eric Woolery, Legislator of the Year Bill Brough, golden state leadership award Diane Harkey. Congratulations to all of the award winners!