Steve Samuelian, CEO of California Consulting, boasts a distinguished career spanning over 38 years with various leadership roles. A Los Angeles native, Steve initiated his political and civic journey in 1982. His career milestones include serving as District Director for Congressional District 19, overseeing staff and operations for 8 years in a Congressional Office. In 2002, he was elected to the California State Assembly representing the 29th Assembly District, later appointed to the Assembly Appropriations Committee and Vice-Chairman of the Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee.
Steve has volunteered significantly to various organizations, including LA County BizFed where he was a longtime Board member and received several awards. He served as a USC Unruh Institute Ambassador and the Athenian Leadership Council Co-Chair at USC. He’s chaired notable events such as the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy 90th Anniversary Gala. Steve has been active in Armenian-American community affairs for 30+ years receiving a number of awards and accolades.
In 2004, Steve founded California Consulting. The company has grown to be the largest grant writing firm in the State serving more than 100 public sector clients with their grant writing needs. Throughout his career Steve has been quote locally, state, and nationally by various media outlets on a variety of public poliy issues. He has also served on a number of panels and moderated many workshops and webinars on many topics from grant writing to economic development.