In addition to writing grant applications, Julie also has served as a grant reviewer for CDFI FA, TA, NACA and NMTC programs; US Department of Health and Human Services; US Department of Labor; Econometrica; NeighborWorks America; Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Office of Community Services (OCS); and the Community Services Block Grant Program. She has also overseen the application design and scoring process for national housing counseling programs and conducted grantmaking with NeighborWorks America. As a reviewer and administrator for several programs, Julie is knowledgeable of scoring processes, program priorities and back-end analyses related to how funders determine grantee pools. She also helps clients measure impacts and determine strategic and growth goals to strengthen their applications.
Julie holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Communication from The George Washington University, and a Master’s degree in Political Science with a concentration in Quantitative Methods from the University of California at Riverside. She has held Public Policy and Public Relations positions with the AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust, Fannie Mae, NeighborWorks America and local elected officials.