The California Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) released its RFP for the California Violence Intervention and Prevention (CalVIP) Grant. This fund encourages effective programs that mitigate and intervene in violence, and provide safer communities. Typical projects include diversion, education/after-school, mentoring, Community Resource Centers, employment and job training, Task Fores, and community/Police relations. For this fund, 2 cities with populations under 200,000 are guaranteed funding. A city must share 50% of the fund with a community-based organization. A hybrid opportunity for either qualifying school districts, schools or child-care centers, as well as city or municipal daycare programs, is the CDE CA state Preschool Program Expansion Funding (CSPP). This grant, due December 19, 2017, proposes to expand access to quality child care services in the state.
The California Department of Education (CDE) has released the 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs), as well as the 21st Century Community Learning Centers – Elementary/Middle Schools. Both programs have deadlines due January 26, 2018, and are open to public or private entities. These grants have the purpose of providing capacity and expansion of community learning centers that provide a safe, learning environment for students of both age groups.
A very unique and highly customized service that California Consulting offers its clients, is our ability to seek and research traditional federal, state, and local government funding opportunities, while identifying and matching our clients with non-traditional funding sources This includes exciting opportunities for shade structures, tree canopy and nature trails, fruit orchards and other relevant funds that can help your city, county, school district or nonprofit. Call one of our Project Managers or Associates to learn more about our professional grant writing and grant administration services. Have a Great Holiday Season!