City of Fairfield (a CC client) Receives a Large Return on Investment

Our client, the City of Fairfield, has received an incredible return on investment. The City of Fairfield originally hired us in 2018 and has recently rejoined our team in 2020. We are so pleased with their return and hope to have continued success in securing funding for their vision.
California Consulting has written the following grant applications that have been awarded: 

Local Housing and Allocation Formula Grant……………………………………………….$3,500,000
Emergency Services Grant (Non-Competitive)……………………………………………….$113,142
Emergency Services Grant (Competitive)…………………………………………………….. $200,000
Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program………………………………. $113,806
Continuum of Care, Emergency Solutions Grant for Rapid Rehousing…………….. $124,000
Emergency Solutions Grant for Emergency Shelter……………………………………….. $200,000

Congratulations to the City of Fairfield for the total awarded amount of $4,250,948 which is a 5122% return on their investment.