California Strategic Growth Council and California Department of Housing and Community Development: Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program (Round 6) Deadline is June 8, 2021.

California Strategic Growth Council and California Department of Housing and Community Development: Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program (Round 6)

Deadline: June 8, 2021 

Amount: The maximum AHSC program loan or grant award, or combination thereof, is $30 million, with a minimum award of at least $1 million.
Eligibility: A Locality, public housing authority, redevelopment successor agency, transit agency or transit operator, Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA), local Transportation Commission, Congestion Management Agency, Joint Powers Authority (JPA), school district, facilities district, University or Community College District. Federally recognized Indian Tribe. These AHSC program funds will be used for loans or grants, or a combination thereof, to projects that will achieve GHG emissions reductions to benefit all California communities, particularly through increasing accessibility to affordable housing and key destinations via low-carbon transportation, resulting in fewer vehicle miles traveled (VMT) through shortened or reduced trip length or mode shift from Single Occupancy Vehicle (SOV) use to transit, bicycling or walking. Eligible projects must fall into one of the following three eligible Project Area types: · Transit Oriented Development Project Area type (TOD) · Integrated Connectivity Project Area type (ICP), or · Rural Innovation Project Area type (RIPA)