The City of Vallejo and California Consulting’s strategic partnership to acquire grant funding is a true success story with $19,750,070 secured. The City enjoys a very large return on investment, 23,099% to be exact! This example of superb teamwork highlights the substantial gains that effective grant procurement can bring to a City’s financial outlook. The grant awards are featured below.
MTC Local Parking Management Program $150,000
MTC Bay Area 2050 – Priority Development Area Grant $2,400,000
IIG – Infill Infrastructure Grant $2,500,000
HHAP- Homeless Housing, Assistance & Prevention $1,082,582
Board of State and Community Corrections –
Prop 64 Public Health and Safety Program $1,400,000
HUD – Family Self-Sufficiency $117,488
HCD – Homekey $12,100,000