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California Consulting Presents at State Water Resource Control Board-Prop 1 Groundwater Sustainability on behalf of our clients

112015 Haig PresCalifornia Consulting LLC is very pleased to have our Southern California Director, Haig Kartounian, present, on behalf of our clients, at the State Water Resource Control Board- Prop. 1 Groundwater Sustainability meeting in Los Angeles on Friday, November 20, 2015.

Proposition 1 was passed by voters in November 2014 and provided $900 million for a Groundwater Sustainability Program (Assembly Bill 1471, Chapter 10). The State Water Board will administer $800 million to prevent and cleanup contamination of groundwater that serves (or has served) as a source of drinking water. The funds can be provided as grants or loans. A summary of the program is provided in aProposition 1 Groundwater Sustainability Fact Sheet.

State Water Board Staff performed four scoping meetings and developed Prop 1 Scoping Questions to solicit comments on the development of the Draft Proposition 1 Groundwater Sustainability Program guidelines. Comments submitted by the June 30, 2015 deadline will soon be up on the Groundwater Quality Funding Website. Please see the link below for more Prop 1 Groundwater Sustainability,