California Consulting is pleased to announce the Strategic Growth Council: Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Grant will be released October 2017
Strategic Growth Council: Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Grant

Release: October 2, 2017
Full Application Deadline: TBD (possibly November/December 2017)
Amount: The maximum AHSC Program loan or grant award, or a combination thereof, for a TOD, ICP and RIPA Project Area is $20 million with a minimum award of at least $1 million.
Match: Typically, none.
Eligibility: Local Governments (City, County, City/County); Local Transportation Agencies; Public Housing Authority; Transit Agency or Operator; Regional Transportation Planning Agency; Congestion Management Agency; Joint Powers Authority; School District; Facilities District; University or Community College District; Developer (Public, Private, or Nonprofit); Program Operator (Public, Private, or Nonprofit)
The AHSC Program aims to improve mobility options and accessibility to affordable housing by funding connectivity and compact development projects. These multi-faceted projects facilitate the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by combining elements of affordable housing development, key transit and active transportation infrastructure, incentive programs, green infrastructure, and transportation-related amenities. The impact of these projects is on a neighborhood scale – to better connect homes, employment centers, and key destinations via low carbon transportation options (walking, biking and transit), resulting in fewer vehicle miles traveled (VMT). Projects will support public policy objectives through coordination including:
- Reducing air pollution
- Improving conditions in disadvantaged communities
- Supporting or improving public health
- Improving connectivity and accessibility to jobs, housing, and services
- Increasing options for mobility, including active transportation
- Protecting agricultural lands to support infill development
If you or your entity would like California Consulting to write this application, please contact our Southern California office at (323)728-9002.