California Consulting is pleased to announce the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA): Challenge America Grant
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA): Challenge America
Amount: $10,000
Due: SF 424 Due 4/12/2018 Materials and Attachments due 4/17-4/24/2018
Match: Yes 100% (can be a partnership)
Eligibility: Nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3), U.S. organizations; units of state or local government; or federally recognized tribal communities or tribes may apply. Applicants may be arts organizations, local arts agencies, arts service organizations, local education agencies (school districts), and other organizations that can help advance the goals of the National Endowment for the Arts.
The Challenge America category offers support primarily to small and mid-sized organizations for projects that extend the reach of the arts to underserved populations — those whose opportunities to experience the arts are limited by geography, ethnicity, economics, or disability. Age alone (e.g., youth, seniors) does not qualify a group as underserved; at least one of the underserved characteristics noted above also must be present. Please provide details about the underserved audience you select in your application. Grants are available for professional arts programming and for projects that emphasize the potential of the arts in community development.This category encourages and supports the following objective:
Engagement: Public engagement with, and access to, various forms of excellent art across the nation.
Challenge America grants: Extend the reach of the arts to underserved populations, are limited to the specific types of projects outlined below, and are for a fixed amount of $10,000 and require a minimum $10,000 match. Partnerships can be valuable to the success of these projects. While not required, applicants are encouraged to consider partnerships among organizations, both in and outside of the arts, as an appropriate way to engage with the identified underserved audience. To ensure that Challenge America funding reaches new organizations and communities, the National Endowment for the Arts has implemented a policy to limit consecutive-year funding.
Guest Artist project type, which refers to an arts event or events that will feature one or more guest artists. The guest artist is engaged specifically for the proposed project and is not considered a resident artist, regular company member, or individual currently serving on the artistic staff of the applicant organization.
Public Art Projects, community-based and professionally directed. Although many kinds of art projects take place in the public realm, for the Challenge America category, the Public Art project type is intended to support primarily visual arts projects, which may be temporary or permanent, such as murals, sculptures, multi-media, or environmental art, developed through a meaningful community engagement process. Evidence of community involvement should be apparent in the planning, design, or fabrication of the work, and should include a professional lead artist.
Cultural Tourism, specifically the unified promotion of community-wide arts activities and/or the development of cultural tourism products to enhance public engagement with arts and culture in communities and in cultural districts (including the marketing and promotion of arts and culture to populations that have been historically underserved). NOTE: Promotional projects for a single organization are not eligible. Unified promotion is defined as the professional assessment, design, and/or distribution of public relations and marketing tools (calendars, websites, radio and television, brochures, rack cards, signage, etc.) designed to benefit several local organizations in a community.
If you or your entity would like California Consulting to write this application, please contact our Southern California office at (323)728-9002.