*** Grant Announcement ***
California Consulting is pleased to announce the California Natural Resources Agency – Urban Greening Round 2.
California Natural Resources Agency – Urban Greening Round 2
Due: 04/11/2018
Amount: No minimums or maximums
Match: NONE
Eligibility: City, County, special district, nonprofit organizations, or an agency or entity formed pursuant to the Joint Exercise of Powers Act, if at least one of the parties to the joint powers agreement qualifies as an eligible applicant, notwithstanding the Joint Exercise of Powers Act.
Description: Eligible urban greening projects will reduce GHG emissions and provide multiple additional benefits, including, but not limited to, a decrease in air and water pollution or a reduction in the consumption of natural resources and energy. Eligible projects will result in the conversion of an existing built environment into green space that uses natural and green infrastructure approaches to create sustainable and vibrant communities. A competitive project will maximize opportunities to reduce GHG emissions through project design and implementation and will incorporate green infrastructure solutions that improve the sustainability and function of existing urban hardscapes and landscapes.
Examples of eligible urban greening projects include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Establishment, enhancement, and expansion of neighborhood parks and community spaces
* Greening of public lands and structures, including schoolyards, and which may include incorporation of riparian habitat for water capture and provide for other public and wildlife benefits
* Green streets and alleyways
* Non-motorized urban trails that provide safe routes for travel between residences, workplaces, commercial centers, and schools
* Urban heat island mitigation and energy conservation efforts. All eligible projects must result in GHG reductions by including at least one of the following activities:
* Sequester and store carbon by planting trees (tree canopy)
* Reduce building energy use by strategically planting trees to shade buildings
* Reduce commute vehicle miles traveled by constructing bicycle paths, bicycle lanes or pedestrian facilities that provide safe routes for travel between residences, workplaces, commercial centers, and schools.
The Urban Greening Program is responsible for reporting to the California Air Resources Board (CARB) GHG emission reductions resulting from funded projects in accordance with a CARB approved quantification methodology and Funding Guidelines for Agencies that administer California Climate Investments (2017). All projects are required to show a net GHG benefit and provide multiple other benefits. In order to quantify GHG emission reductions, projects must include at least one of the following project activities:
* Sequester and store carbon by planting trees
* Reduce building energy use by strategically planting trees to shade buildings
* Reduce commute vehicle miles traveled by constructing bicycle paths, bicycle lanes or pedestrian facilities that provide safe routes for travel between residences, workplaces, commercial centers, and schools.
The 2017-2018 quantification methodology for the Urban Greening Program can be found at www.arb.ca.gov/cci-quantification.
Projects – In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, SB 859 requires all projects to achieve measurable benefits. Per statute, all projects must do at least one of the following-
* Acquire, create, enhance, or expand community parks and green spaces, and/or
* Use natural systems or systems that mimic natural systems to achieve multiple benefits.
Link: http://resources.ca.gov/grants/urban-greening/
If you or your entity would like California Consulting to write this application, please call our Southern California office at (323) 728-9002.