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California Consulting LLC Announces the Release of California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS): 2017 General Grant Application

California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS): 2017 General Grant Application

Deadline: January 30, 2016

Amount: Varies.  Applicants asked to provide reasonable costs for the requested services.

Match: None required

Eligibility: Cities, counties

OTS offers applicants the ability to create their own program adhering to several program topics, described below:

1.     Motorcycle Safety: Motorcycle safety grants focus on reducing motorcycle involved fatal and injury collisions.  This type of grant provides funding for concentrated enforcement, public education campaigns and motorcycle safety, outreach and education efforts to increase vehicle driver’s awareness of motorcycles.  During the month of May highly publicized enforcement operations and media events are conducted to promote “Motorcycle Awareness Month.”

2.     Occupant Protection: Occupant Protection grants provide highly effective programs which reduce traffic fatalities and injuries by increasing the usage of seat belts and child safety seats.  These grants provide traffic safety education, low-cost child safety seats, bilingual educational programs and materials, and overtime funds to conduct child safety seat checkups and enforcement.  A strong commitment requires help from the entire community including public agencies and the private sector to increase seat belt and child safety seat compliance and correct usage.

3.     Older Drivers: Grant funding would include training for law enforcement and emergency medical professionals to better identify impairments in older drivers and take appropriate actions.  In addition OTS funds traffic safety presentations for the senior community.

4.     Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety: OTS grantees conduct traffic safety rodeos for elementary, middle and high schools, and community groups in an effort to increase awareness among various age groups.  To boost compliance with the law and decrease injuries, safety helmets are properly fitted and distributed to children in need.  Court diversion courses may be established in communities for those violating the bicycle helmet law.  Other programs target high-risk populations and areas with multicultural public education addressing safer driving, biking and walking behaviors.  A bicycle and pedestrian community program should be designed to increase safety awareness and skills among pedestrians and bicyclists and should also address driver behaviors.  Two types of programs are described below.  A comprehensive program should include both elements: 1) education and 2) enforcement.

5.     Education: Educational efforts may be designed to include the entire community or specific target groups.  Educational efforts may include bicycle rodeos, school presentations, community presentations, public service announcements and the distribution of pamphlets and posters to increase public awareness and education.

6.     Police Traffic Services (PTS): The PTS program focuses on enforcing and encouraging compliance with seat belt use, impaired driving, speed limit and other traffic laws.  This grant provides for Full Time Personnel if your Department has a retention plan for the traffic officer after the grant ends and overtime for enforcement, equipment, and other direct costs. Examples of funded equipment include: motorcycles, radar and laser speed measuring devices, visible display radar trailers, DUI checkpoint trailers, preliminary alcohol screening (PAS) devices, and computers.