California Consulting is pleased to announce the Department of Housing and Community Development: Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) California Natural Resources Agency: Urban Greening Program
Department of Housing and Community Development: Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)
Deadline: February 26, 2019 (Extended from February 5, 2019)
Amount: Up to $3 million
Match: 5% for planning activity
Eligibility: Incorporated cities with populations of less than 50,000 and counties with an unincorporated area population of less than 200,000 persons are eligible to participate in the state CDBG program.
This applies to CDBG non-entitlement cities and counties applying for funding under the Community Development (CD) Allocation and Special Allocations for Economic Development (ED), Colonia, and Native American communities that are non-federally recognized tribes. Funding under each of the following activities and special allocations will primarily benefit low- and moderate-income persons/households in California:
Community Development
1. Housing Assistance
2. Public Facilities
3. Infrastructure and Infrastructure in Support of Housing
4. Public Services
5. Planning and Technical Assistance
Special Allocations
1. Economic Development (Business Assistance and Microenterprise Assistance)
2. Native American Communities
3. Colonias If you or your entity would like California Consulting to write this application, please contact our Southern California Office at 323-728-9002.
If you or your entity would like California Consulting to write this application, please contact our Southern California Office at 323-728-9002.