California Consulting is pleased to announce the California Natural Resources Agency: Cultural, Community and Natural Resources Grant Program (Proposition 68).

California Natural Resources Agency: Cultural, Community and Natural Resources Grant Program (Proposition 68)
Deadline: Concept Proposal due February 13, 2019. Full application due March 18, 2019. Concept Proposal is submitted initially, full application is submitted by invitation only. (Both submitted through SOAR).
Amount: No maximum
Match: Yes
Eligibility: Eligible applicants include local agencies, nonprofit organizations, non-governmental land conservation organizations, federally recognized Native American tribes, or non-federally recognized California Native American tribes listed on the California Tribal Consultation List maintained by the Native American Heritage Commission.
California voters passed the California Drought, Water, Parks, Climate, Coastal Protection, and Outdoor Access for All Act of 2018 (Proposition 68) on June 5, 2018. Proposition 68 authorized the Legislature to appropriate $40 million to the California Natural Resources Agency (the “State”) for competitive grants that protect, restore, and enhance California’s cultural, community and natural resources.
It is the intent of the people of California that projects funded by Proposition 68 result in public benefits addressing the most critical statewide needs and priorities for public funding as well as improve a community’s ability to adapt to the unavoidable impacts of climate change; improve and protect coastal and rural economies, agricultural viability, wildlife corridors or habitat; develop future recreational opportunities; or enhance drought tolerance, landscape resilience, and water retention.
If you or your entity would like California Consulting to write this application, please contact our Southern California Office at 323-728-9002.