California Consulting is pleased to announce the California Natural Resource Agency: Youth Community Access Program deadline has extended to November 16th for Public Schools Only.
Prop 64 Youth Community Access Program
Projects between 50-300K for youth (birth to 26)
Youth Community Access Program
Deadline: Extended – November 16th @ 5pm for Public Schools only
Summary: The funding priorities of the grant are:
1. Projects that feature youth-led opportunities. Youth-led means projects in which youth are a participant in the planning, decision making, facilitation, and evaluation;
2. Projects that propose resource awareness campaigns featuring youth and using youth vernacular; and
3. Projects that empower youth to make healthy choices.
Possible projects are:
Programming Activities:
· Cultural festivals and outreach events for youth
· Youth-led outdoor skills workshops and classes
· Youth-led outdoor experiences
· Outreach campaign targeted at underserved communities to build community awareness of a natural or cultural resource
· Youth-led volunteer stewardship programs
· Free or reduced admission to a natural or cultural resource
· Free bus passes to youth for access to resources
· Language translation and interpretation services for youth
· Outdoor cultural healing practices for youth
· Workforce development and job training programs
· Hands-on program to educate and involve youth in agriculture, cultivation, and farming
· Training to increase cultural competency of program staff
· Youth-led outdoor education programs
Capital Project Activities (Development and Vehicle Acquisition):
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