California Consulting is pleased to announce the Cal Fire Urban & Community Forestry Program: 2016-2017 “Urban Forest Management Activities” Grant
Cal Fire Urban & Community Forestry Program: 2016-17 “Urban Forest Management Activities” Grant
Concept Proposal Deadline: December 16, 2016
Full Application Deadline: TBD (likely early 2017)
Amount: $150,000 and $1,000,000
Match: 25% of the project cost
Eligibility: cities, counties, qualifying districts, or 501(c)(3) nonprofits. Qualifying districts include, but are not limited to, school, park, recreation, water, and local taxing districts.
The purpose of this grant type is to fund the development and implementation of urban forest management activities to reduce GHG emissions and to be carried out by a local government jurisdiction to optimize the multiple benefits of its urban forest. Such activities will be comprehensive, long term, include the entire jurisdiction, take an ecosystem management approach and may include an inventory, analysis, training and/or educational component. A tree planting component is required during the grant performance period. Any management plan funded by this grant type must include the setting of a tree canopy cover goal for the jurisdiction. No other practices may be funded by this grant program. It is recommended, but not required, that the project will take place in an environmental justice community scoring 75% or above on the CalEnviroScreen 2.0 tool.
If you or your entity is interested in California Consulting writing this application, please call our Southern California Office at (323)728-9002.