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California Consulting is pleased to announce 2016-17 Cal Fire Urban & Community Forestry Program: 2016 – 2017 “Green Innovations” Grant are being released later this summer. Please note this is upcoming funding; therefore, the information is tentative and may be subject to change.

Cal FireCal Fire Urban & Community Forestry Program: 2016-17 Green Innovations”  Grant

Release Date: TBD, likely late summer 2016 (Draft Guidance currently available via link below.)

Concept Proposal Deadline: November 17, 2016 (date may be subject to change)

Full Application Deadline: TBD (likely early 2017)

Amount:  $200,000 – $1,500,000. (amounts subject to change)

Match: Typically 25% (may be subject to change)

Eligibility: cities, counties, qualifying districts, or 501(c)(3) nonprofits.

Qualifying districts include, but are not limited to, school, park, recreation, water, and local taxing districts.

The purpose of this grant program is to fund the development and implementation of a “Green Innovations” program or project that will reduce GHG emissions and help improve greening in urban areas, arrest the decline of urban forest resources, address climate change adaptation, facilitate the planting of trees and other vegetation in cities, improve the quality of the environment in urban areas through establishment of, and/or improved management of urban vegetation to optimize benefits to urban areas. Such projects may include the purchase of vacant, undeveloped, or underutilized urban parcels for these purposes. These projects should be forward-thinking green infrastructure projects, and must have a positive greenhouse gas benefit.  It is recommended that the project will take place in an environmental justice community, scoring 75% or above on the CalEnviroScreen 2.0 tool.