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California Consulting Client, City of Patterson, Receives a Large Return of Investment


California Consulting Client, City of Patterson, Receives a Large Return of Investment


The City of Patterson has been a client since March 2013. In that short amount of time California Consulting has written the following grant applications that have been awarded:


2017 Museum Grant Program $117,000
Caltrans Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 3 Grant $907,000
CalTrans Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 2 – StanCOG Local Solicitation $594,000
CalFire Urban & Community Forestry Management for GHG Reduction Grant $150,400
FEMA Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Grant $1,800
FM Global Fire Prevention Grant $1,800
Foundation for Youth Investment (FYI) Impact Fund Grant $40,000
Cal Fire Urban & Community Forestry Leafing Out Grant $51,544
Caltrans State-Legislated Safe Routes to School Programs $135,200


Grand total of $1,998,744 which is a 799% return on their investment!