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California Consulting Announces the Release of Strategic Growth Council (SGC) Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Grant Program

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Strategic Growth Council (SGC): Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Grant Program 

Release: January 2016 (Draft guidance now available for public comment)
Deadline: TBD
Amount: The maximum AHSC Program loan or grant award, or combination thereof, for a TOD, ICP and RIPA Project Area is $20 million with a minimum award of at least $1 million.
Match: None
Eligibility: A Locality, public housing authority, redevelopment successor agency, transit agency or transit operator, Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA), local Transportation Commissions, Congestion Management Agencies, Joint Powers Authority (JPA), school district, facilities district, University or Community College District.
The purpose of the AHSC Program is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through projects that implement land-use, housing, transportation, and agricultural land preservation practices to support infill and compact development, and that support related and coordinated public policy objectives, including the following:

1.      reducing air pollution;

2.      improving conditions in disadvantaged communities;

3.      supporting or improving public health and other co-benefits as defined in Section 39712 of the Health and Safety Code;

4.      improving connectivity and accessibility to jobs, housing, and services;

5.      increasing options for mobility, including the implementation of the Active Transportation Program established pursuant to Section 2380 of the Streets and Highway Code;

6.      increasing transit ridership;

7.      preserving and developing affordable housing for lower income households, as defined in Section 50079.5 of the Health and Safety Code; and (8) protecting agricultural lands to support infill development.

California Consulting LLC is the state’s largest grant writing company. Since 2004, CC LLC has successfully written over 680 grant applications. Through a combined effort, California Consulting has secured over $1.5 billion dollars through federal, state, and non profit funding for our clients.

Please contact us immediately if you would like California Consulting to write this grant for your entity. We can be reached at 323-728-9002 or