California Consulting Announces the California Department of Parks and Recreation: Land Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) deadline is February 3rd.
California Department of Parks and Recreation: Land Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).
Deadline: February 3, 2020
Amount: Up to $6 million
Match: MATCH is no less than 50% of the TOTAL PROJECT COST. In other words, MATCH can range from 50% to 99% of the TOTAL PROJECT COST.
Eligibility: Cities, counties, Native American tribal governments, Joint Powers Authorities, Non-State agency recreation, and Park districts and special districts with authority to acquire, operate, and maintain public park and recreation areas.
Projects must be acquisition or development. ACQUISITION must result in a NEW RECREATION OPPORTUNITY for the public within three years after the completion of the ACQUISITION. Only a phase that creates a fully useable recreational opportunity must be completed and open to the public within three years after the completion of the ACQUISITION. DEVELOPMENT of RECREATION FEATURES must be for outdoor recreation, not indoor recreation.
If you or your entity would like California Consulting to write this application, please contact our office at 323-728-9002.