CA Housing & Community Development (HCD): Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program
Deadline: July 27, 2016
Amount: Maximum of $2,000,000, including all activities except ED OTC, Colonia and Native American grants.
Match: 5% match required for PTA grants only
Eligible Applicants: Non-entitlement communities which are incorporated cities under 50,000 in population and counties with an unincorporated area population of under 200,000
– See Appendix A for complete listing of eligible entities via the link below
This NOFA applies to State CDBG-eligible activities funded under the Economic Development (ED) Set-Aside, Community Development (CD) sub-allocation, Colonia Set-Aside, and Native American Set-Aside. Typical activities funded under each of these predominately benefit low- and moderate-income Californians and include: Business Assistance (BA) Projects and Programs; Microenterprise (ME) Assistance Programs; Housing Rehabilitation (HR) Programs and Projects; Homeownership Assistance (HA) Programs; Housing Acquisition Projects; Public Infrastructure Projects; Public Facility Projects; Public Service Programs; and Planning and Technical Assistance Grants.
California Consulting is ready to help you pursue this grant. Please call our Southern California office at (323)728-9002 to start the application process. We look forward to hearing from you.