California Consulting Announces the BSCC California Violence Prevention & Intervention Grant
BSCC California Violence Prevention & Intervention Grant
Deadline: January 28, 2018
Amount: $500,000 (at least 2 grants will be given to cities with populations under 200K). $9M available ($1M dedicated to City of LA)
Match: 100% Cash or in-kind or combination of both
Eligibility: Cities or Community Based Organizations in California Each city that receives a grant shall distribute at least 50% of the grant funds to one or more community-based organizations. Grantees will collaborate and coordinate with area jurisdictions and agencies, including the existing county juvenile justice coordination council, with the goal of reducing violence in the city and adjacent areas. Grantees must establish a coordinating and advisory council to prioritize the use of the funds. Membership must include city officials, local law enforcement, local education agencies, local community-based organizations, and local residents. Reporting to the BSCC regarding progress and achieving clearly defined measurable grant objectives. Quarterly reporting. Eligible activities include: community mobilization and education, CBT, mental or public health, case management, diversion, education/after school programs, recreation/social, mentoring, community resource centers, community police relations, employment/job training, street outreach and intervention, regional task forces, ceasefire/GVRM (group violence reduction models), focused deterrence.
Link: http://www.bscc.ca.gov/s_cpgpcalvipgrant.php
If you or your entity would like California Consulting to write this application, please contact our Southern California office at (323)728-9002.