With 20 years experience in the education market, Ben has been a teacher, a program director, and a consultant to major education publishers and research firms. His background includes a Bachelor’s degree in applied geophysics and a Master’s degree in curriculum design and implementation.
In the course of his career, Ben has developed significant expertise in topics as such as STEM, curriculum development, curricular analysis, observational studies, alternative education models, project planning, project funding and management, and professional development at both the policy maker and practitioner levels.
In 2007, he co-developed the concept of cognitive rigor (sometimes referred to as the Hess Matrix) and continues to further develop the concept into practical K12 applications designed to create more effective instructional models focusing on proactive learning experiences.
Ben has strong interests in the educational sector but brings a broad set of skills to the table for most any project from school related to municipal to community enhancement. His projects to date have focused on water resources, urban greening, and infrastructure grants.