California Consulting announces a New Grant For School Districts from the California Natural Resource Agency. California Natural Resource Agency clarified on their website that School Districts ARE ELIGIBLE and due to the error, the proposal submission deadline has been extended until 5 pm on November 16, 2020, for Public School Districts only.
Please find the application information below:
California Natural Resources Agency: Youth Community Access Grant Program
Deadline: November 16, 2020 SCHOOL DISTRICTS ONLY
Amount: $25,000 to $300,000
Eligibility: Local, state and federal agencies, school districts, nonprofit organizations; federally-recognized Native American tribes; or non-federally-recognized California Native American tribes listed on the California Tribal Consultation List maintained by the Native American Heritage Commission
This program is a competitive grant program to support, public programs, educational programs, job training programs, outreach programs, and small capital asset projects to support youth access to natural or cultural resources.