California Consulting CEO, Steve Samuelian, attended the TELACU event on Friday, June 9th. The Lizarraga Family hosted one of the premiere events of the year in Southern California. The TELACU annual gala celebrates academic success and provides scholarship funding for deserving students. California Consulting was honored to attend and join over 1,000 community leaders at L.A. LIVE. Many federal, state, and local elected officials were in attendance and supported this worthy cause.
Congratulations to Michael Lizarraga, the entire TELACU organization, and the Lizarraga Family for organizing such a worthwhile event Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon received a well deserved award and was honored for his hard work for children and education. Many members of congress attended, including Judy Chu, as well as one of the State’s finest legislators Senator Ben Allen, several State Assemblymembers including hard working and dedicated Assemblywoman Blanca Rubio, L.A. City Councilman Gil Cedillo, Baldwin Park Councilwoman Susan Rubio, LACCD Board Chairman Scott Svonkin, Trustee Mike Fong, Burbank School Board Member Dr. Armond Aghakhanian, BizFed leaders Tracy Rafter and Liz Shapiro, California Consulting Associate Dan Rodriguez, Jesus Torres from Verizon, my BizFed Board colleague Lupita Sanchez Cornejo who does such outstanding work for AT&T, and Susan Sifuentes-Trigueros (regional manager of So. Cal. Gas Co.) with whom Steve is privileged to Co-Chair the USC Unruh Institute of Politics Ambassadors Program.
Steve is pictured with Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon.