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California Consulting Announces the State Water Resources Control Board: Water Recycling Funding Program (WRFP)

State Water Resources Control Board: Water Recycling Funding Program (WRFP)

Deadline: Applications accepted continuously through the FAAST system

Amount: $75,000 (for Planning Grants); $15-$20 Million (for Construction Grants)

Match: 50% (for Planning Grants); 35% (for Construction Grants)

Financing: For Construction applications Interest at 1/2 General Obligation Bond Rate; 30 year term; Allowance following the CWSRF Policy

Eligibility: local public agencies

The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) provides funding for the planning, design, and construction of water recycling projects that offset or augment state fresh water supplies.  There are two programs within this fund:

  • Planning Grants: The purpose of the planning grant is to assist agencies or regions with completing feasibility studies for water recycling projects using treated municipal wastewater and/or treated groundwater from sources contaminated by human activities. Only local public agencies are eligible to apply for planning grants.
  • Construction Grants: The Water Recycling Funding Program provides grants and financing to eligible applicants for the construction of water recycling facilities. Construction projects may be funded with grants and low interest financing from a state bond, a CWSRF financing agreement, or combinations of funding sources. Eligible applicants are local public agencies, nonprofit organizations, public utilities, state & federal recognized Indian tribes, and mutual water companies.