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BizFed Founder David Fleming, L.A. County Supervisor-elect and current Congresswoman Janice Hahn, Kosmont Companies CEO and Biz‎Fed Executive Committee Member Larry Kosmont, California Consulting CEO and BizFed Executive Committee Member Steve Samuelian, and BizFed Founding CEO Tracy Rafter-Hernandez at the holiday party, Dec. 1, 2016. The event was hosted by BizFed, the California Contract Cities Association, and the League of California Cities L.A. Division and was attended by more than 300 elected officials and community leaders at The California Club in Downtown Los Angeles.

120116-bizfedBizFed Founder David Fleming, L.A. County Supervisor-elect and current Congresswoman Janice Hahn, Kosmont Companies CEO and Biz‎Fed Executive Committee Member Larry Kosmont, California Consulting CEO and BizFed Executive Committee Member Steve Samuelian, and BizFed Founding CEO Tracy Rafter-Hernandez at the holiday party, Dec. 1, 2016. The event was hosted by BizFed, the California Contract Cities Association, and the League of California Cities L.A. Division and was attended by more than 300 elected officials and community leaders at The California Club in Downtown Los Angeles.