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California Consulting LLC Announces the Release of California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS): 2017 Probation GME Grant

California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS): 2017 Probation GME Grant

Deadline: January 30, 2016

Amount: Varies.  Applicants asked to provide reasonable costs for the requested services.

Match: None required

Eligibility: County probation departments

The County Probation Department will work to reduce DUI related fatalities, injuries, and DUI recidivism using this OTS Grants Made Easy (GME) application.  The worst-of-the worst, high-risk, felony, and repeat DUI offenders will be held accountable through intensive supervision to ensure compliance with court ordered conditions of probation and to prevent re-arrest on new DUI charges.  Supervision activities include: monitoring of treatment and DUI program participation, conducting office visits, unannounced fourth waiver searches, field visits, random alcohol/drug testing, distribution of HOT sheets, and participation with local law enforcement on anti-DUI efforts.